Selasa, 28 Mei 2013



Taekwondo (태권도)  is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. In Korean, tae (태) means “to strike or break with foot”; kwon(권) means “to strike or break with fist”; and do (도) means “way”, “method”, or “art”. Thus, taekwondo may be loosely translated as “the art of the foot and fist” or “the art of kicking and punching.”
It combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, and in some cases meditation and philosophy.
There are 2 different kinds of taekwondo. ITF, that is the International

Taekwondo Federation, is the one that is very martial and it is not reconized by the International Olympic

Committee (IOC).
 Taekwondo ITF use some protection, they are requiredto wear approved foot
and hand protection equipment and hand attacks to the head are allowed.

On the other hand is the WTF, that is World Taekwondo Federation, this is the most famoust around the world, it is reconized by the IOC so that means that it is one of the sports in the olympic games.
This kind of taekwondo is more sportive, in this one the people practice it just to participate in the different championships and tournaments and it’s more technical than the other. Here you will find different aspects, for example when you are doing an exam to change the color of your belt, you need to show that you know a lot of vocabulary (that is korean vocabulary), a lot of techniques, that you know how to make the corresponding “POOMSE”, you need to show how you use the different techniques in a combat or fight and  you have to show how is your physical condition.
In taekwondo there are six belts, when you begin you begin with the white one and then, making the corresponding exam you change the color. This is the order of them: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red and Black belt.
Also there are some values that a taekwondist has to have, they are very important. Perseverance, Discipline, Respect, Auto Control, Courage. These are some of them.

Another thing that is very important in WTF taekwondo are the POOMSES. This is something that needs delicacy but at the same time it needs to be strong. They are 8 Poomses that are the POOMSE TAEGUK and are the ones that the people make when they are’n black belt yet, and then when you are black belt you have other POOMSES. Here are the names and the meanings of each one:
1- Taeguk Il Jang = Sky and Light   2-Taeguk I Jang = Joy and Happiness   3- Taeguk Sam Jang = Fire and Sun   4- Taeguk Sa Jang = Thunder   5- Taeguk OJang = The Wind   6- Taeguk Yuk Jang = The Water   7- Taeguk Chil Jang = standing on the mountaintop   8- Taeguk Pal Jang = The Earth
1- Koryo = Spirit of Korean people   2- Keumgang = The Diamont   3- Taebaek = Bright on the mountain   4- Pyongwong = Extensive Plain   5- Sipjin = The Decimal or Decimal System   6- Jitae = The Earth   7- Chonkwon = The Sky   8- Hansu = The Water   9- ILyeo = The Unit
The first ones are the ones that you make ehen you aren’t black belt and the secon ones when you are black belt.

Now, let me talk you about the part that is combat or fight. This is the best part because you can see different kicking techniques and amazing combats. For this part taekwondist use some protections, they need to protect the head, the chest, arms and leg. Actually you need to protect all the body but this does not prevent good fights.
In a fight if kick to the head you get 3 points and if you kick or hit to the chest, you get 1 point but if you make a turning kick you get 2 points (just in the chest).

For me taekwondo it’s something exciting i thing it is a great way of life and a sport too. You develop many parts of your body and mind, you become or learn to be a better person and you learn to be disciplined.
So, for these reasons and more, this is a great sport and a great option to try something new and to learn different things.

Here i leave you a video about the real meaning of TKD. I hope you  liked this post. =)

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